Please contact us for further information about our institute, our research, and our projects.
AICOR Institute for Artificial Intelligence\\
University Bremen\\
Am Fallturm 1\\
28359 Bremen\\
Tel.: +49 421 218 64000\\
Fax: +49 421 218 64047
General inquiries: ai-office@cs.uni-bremen.de \\
Inquiries about projects: ai-projects@cs.uni-bremen.de
For an overview of the campus, you can find a campus map on the following link:\\
If you want to visit us, you should look for the TAB building near the street 'Hochschulring':
{{ contact:tab1.png }}
The TAB building has many entrances. The shortest route to us is through entrance 'E':
{{ :contact:tab2new.jpg?nolink |}}
When you´ve entered the TAB building, you should go to the first floor and ring the door bell, which is shown in the picture below:
{{ :contact:tab4new.jpg?nolink |}}
You can also use Google Maps to calculate a route from your desired start position to entrance 'E':