~~NOTOC~~ ~~bc:Home~~ ======Welcome to the AICOR Institute for Artificial Intelligence! ====== The AICOR Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IAI) is directed by [[team:Michael Beetz|Prof. Michael Beetz]]. As a research institute, we conduct basic scientific research in the field of cognition-enabled robotics for everyday activities. As part of the Faculty of Computer Science, we have a project-based teaching approach. Our hands-on projects in teaching include [[SuTuRo|]][[teaching:pr-suturo-ws22|]], [[https://intel4coro.ai.uni-bremen.de/|IntEL4CoRo]] and the [[https://ease-crc.org/ease-academy/#ease_fallschool|annual EASE Fall School]]. AICOR is member of the [[http://www.tzi.de|Center for Computing and Communication Technologies (TZI)]] as well as the high-profile area [[https://minds-media-machines.de/en/homepage/|Minds, Media and Machines (MMM)]] at the [[http://www.uni-bremen.de|University of Bremen]]. ===== Research ===== ^ **Funded projects** ^ ^ |[[http://www.ease-crc.org|{{:logo-ease-2019.png?nolink&150|}}]] |**[[http://www.ease-crc.org|EASE]]** (SFB 1320) is a collaborative research center for everyday activities.| |[[https://intel4coro.ai.uni-bremen.de|{{:team:logo-04.png?nolink&150|}}]]|**[[https://intel4coro.ai.uni-bremen.de|IntEL4CoRo]]** provides an interactive learning environment.| |[[https://www.eurobin-project.eu/|{{:team:logo_eurobin193x54px.png?nolink&150}}]] |**[[https://www.eurobin-project.eu|euROBIN]]** is a European Network of Excellence that the IAI is part of. | |[[https://remaro.eu|{{:team:remaro1-right-1024.png?nolink&150&150}}]] |**[[https://remaro.eu/|REMARO]]** develops a reliable and safe AI system for underwater robotics.| |[[https://www.tracebot.eu|{{:team:tracebot_logo_2021_rgb.png?nolink&150&150|}}]] |**[[https://www.tracebot.eu/|Tracebot]]** enables robotic systems to understand what they do. | ^ **Internal projects** ^ ^ |[[research:cram|{{:team:cramlogocropped.png?nolink&150|}}]] |**[[research:cram|]]** is a software toolbox for the implementation of autonomous robots. | |[[:research:knowrob|{{:projects:knowrob.png?nolink&150}}]] |**[[:research:knowrob]]** is a knowledge processing system for robots. | |[[http://www.open-ease.org/|{{{{:team:oe-logo2.png?nolink&150|}}]] |** [[http://www.open-ease.org/| OpenEASE]]** is a web-based knowledge service providing robot and human activity data. | |[[https://github.com/SemRoCo/giskardpy/|{{{{:team:giskard_logo_tmp.png?nolink&150|}}]] |** [[https://github.com/SemRoCo/giskardpy| GISKARD]]** is a framework for constraint- and optimization-based robot motion planning and control. | |[[https://robokudo.ai.uni-bremen.de|{{:team:rk_logo_v3-300px.png?nolink&150|}}]] |**[[https://robokudo.ai.uni-bremen.de| RoboKudo]]** is a perception framework targeted for robot manipulation tasks. | A full overview of our ongoing and completed projects can be found [[https://ai.uni-bremen.de/research|here]]. ===== News ===== {{blog>:blog?3&date&footer&firstseconly&readmore}} ===== Teaching ===== A detailed description of most courses can be found in the [[http://apophis.informatik.uni-bremen.de:3001/|Online Module Handbook of the Department]]. If you are looking for lectures from past semesters, take a look at our [[teaching:archive|]]. Besides lectures and projects, we also offer thesis assignments and jobs for student research assistants. If you are interested, you can find more information [[/jobs|here]].