======= IAI Wiki ======= Welcome to our Wiki. The research software developed in the [[http://ai.uni-bremen.de|Artificial Intelligence Group]] at Universität Bremen includes the KnowRob knowledge reasoning system, the RoboKudo perception system, and the CRAM plan execution environment. ===== Events ===== * [[demos/videos|Videos of software frameworks and projects ]] * [[events:cfps|Conference deadlines and events ]] : Upcoming CFPs and Conferences ===== Software Projects ===== * [[software:cram|CRAM]]: Cognitive Robot Abstract Machine * [[software:knowrob|KnowRob]] * [[software:tortugabot_ros1_noetic|TortugaBot]] * [[software:sherpa|Sherpa Demo]] * [[software:openease|openEASE]] * [[software:k4r|Knowledge4Retail]] * [[software:unreal|UnrealEngine]] ===== Hardware ===== * [[hardware:xsens|XSENS]]: Xsens motion capturing suite * [[hardware:iiyama|IIYAMA]]: openEASE Kiosk mode with IIYAMA Touchscreen * [[hardware:createmap|Create map with PR2]]: Localize * [[hardware:3dprinters|3D printers]] * [[hardware:apartmentcams|Cameras in the apartment]] ===== 3D Modeling Rules ===== * [[3dmodeling:items|ITEMS]]: Item modeling rules * [[3dmodeling:change-pivot-point|Pivot to Bounding Box Origin]]: Tutorial on how to fix the pivot point to the BB origin of 3d objects. * [[intern/refills/mockup_reference_frames|Shelves for REFILLS]]: Details about the modelling of the DM shelves and origin of map ===== ROS ===== * [[software/ros/installation|Recommended ROS installation procedure]] * [[software/ros/getting-started|Getting Started with ROS]] ===== Infrastructure ===== * [[infrastructure/svn|Setting up SSH for SVN Repositories]] * [[infrastructure/vnc|Setting up VNC for Remote Desktop access ]] * [[infrastructure/schroot|Change ROS versions on the same machine with 'schroot']] [[intern|Internal Pages]]