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ilias:unreal-ur5 [2020/02/20 16:00] asililias:unreal-ur5 [2021/08/26 09:38] (current) s_fuyedc
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 ====== URoboSim Installation Instructions with UR5  ====== ====== URoboSim Installation Instructions with UR5  ======
 +**The following manual is outdated, please refer to** [[|this readme]] **instead.**
 ===== Installation Prerequisites ===== ===== Installation Prerequisites =====
Line 9: Line 13:
 __**ROS version:**__ Melodic (Full) __**ROS version:**__ Melodic (Full)
-__**Unreal engine version to be installed:**__ 4.22+__**Unreal engine version to be installed:**__ 4.22.3 
 +Source. You need to link your Epic Games account with github to access the sources. The process is explained in the install guide below. 
 +Install guide. **Making** the build (part 3.3.) takes very long and all cpu power. Start that before leaving the pc alone for a couple of hours. 
 __**Packages to be installed (Please report if I missed any):**__  __**Packages to be installed (Please report if I missed any):**__ 
Line 35: Line 45:
-===== Game Engine Side =====+===== Game Engine Side Configuration=====
 1) clone URoboSim Repo recursively (dev branch) to some path 1) clone URoboSim Repo recursively (dev branch) to some path
Line 59: Line 69:
 6) After the editor launches, choose "Maps" folder from down below. 6) After the editor launches, choose "Maps" folder from down below.
 +7) Remove PR2 by clicking onto it and hitting delete button.
 +8) Add UR5 model by 
 +  * clicking Import 
 +  * going into URoboSimExampleRobots path from Step 3
 +  * going into UR5_10/ur_description
 +  * clicking ur5.sdf
 +  * In the upcoming dialog menu, extending "Mesh" section and enable "Combine Meshes" checkbox
 +  * clicking import all
 +  * drag and drop ur5 from below menu to the environment
 +  * placing it somewhere appropriate like onto the kitchen island
 +9) Click onto UR5 in the environment and click to add component and add "RRosComponent"
 +10) Click onto UR5 in the environment and click to add component and add "RController"
 +11) Find UR5's RController component from the component menu at the right and configure it as in the image below (except Mode... Mode should be Kinematic for now):
 +{{ :ilias:rc1.png?600 |}}
 +12) Find UR5's RRosComponent component from the component menu at the right and configure it as in the image below:
 +{{ :ilias:rros1.png?600 |}}
 +{{ :ilias:rros2.png?600 |}}
 +13) Click Save Current
 +===== Catkin WS (ROS) Side Configuration=====
 +1) Your catkin workspace should have following ROS Packages/Metapackages checked out:
 +2) catkin build or make your workspace
 +===== Running =====
 +Open three terminals and run the following commands in parallel:
 +   cd [your_path_to_unreal_engine_4.22]/Engine/Binaries/Linux
 +   ./UE4Editor [path_to_RobCoG-URoboSim_repo]/RobCoG.uproject
 +   roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch
 +   roslaunch urobosim_ros_config world.launch
 +After these, press "Play" button in Unreal Editor
ilias/unreal-ur5.1582214428.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/20 16:00 by asil

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