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URoboSim Installation Instructions with UR5

Installation Prerequisites

The system should optimally have an RTX or GTX-family GPU.

Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04

ROS version: Melodic (Full)

Unreal engine version to be installed: 4.22

Packages to be installed (Please report if I missed any):







Access to URoboSim


User Account: To request a user account for our gitlab, please write an email to our admin ( )

Access to repo: The aforementioned repo is private. Write an email to Michael Neumann ( ) to gain access

Game Engine Side

1) clone URoboSim Repo recursively (dev branch) to some path

 git clone --branch dev --recurse-submodules

2) update the plugin “URoboSim” to latest version

 cd RobCoG-URoboSim/Plugins/URoboSim
 git pull origin dev

3) clone the UR5 model for URoboSim

 git clone

4) run Unreal editor

 cd [your_path_to_unreal_engine_4.22]/Engine/Binaries/Linux
 ./UE4Editor [path_to_RobCoG-URoboSim_repo]/RobCoG.uproject

5) answer as “Yes” for the question of rebuilding

6) After the editor launches, choose “Maps” folder from down below.

7) Remove PR2 by clicking onto it and hitting delete button.

8) Add UR5 model by

  • clicking Import
  • going into URoboSimExampleRobots path from Step 3
  • going into UR5_10/ur_description
  • clicking ur5.sdf
  • In the upcoming dialog menu, extending “Mesh” section and enable “Combine Meshes” checkbox
  • clicking import all
  • drag and drop ur5 from below menu to the environment
  • placing it somewhere appropriate like onto the kitchen island

9) Click onto UR5 in the environment and click to add component and add “RRosComponent”

10) Click onto UR5 in the environment and click to add component and add “RController”

11) Find UR5's RController component from the component menu at the right and configure it as in the image below:

12) Find UR5's RRosComponent component from the component menu at the right and configure it as in the image below:

13) Click Save Current

ilias/unreal-ur5.1582217778.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/20 16:56 by asil

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