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Table of Contents
OKRs 2019 3rd Tertile
- Start date: 1st of October, 2019
- End date: 31st of January
Team OKRs
Knowledge Acquisition
Individual OKRs
Patrick Mania
[ x / y]
- Ropha
- Provide gesture recogniton Plugin [ 0 / 10 ]
- Gesture recognition can be trained in VR [ 0 / 10 ]
- Gesture data can be visualized [ 0 / 10 ]
- Head movements from VR are mapped onto the Avatar [ 0 / 10 ]
- Belief State Visualization/Validation
- Create a dataset with 15 Objects and 10 views of Real vs. UE4 [ 0 / 10 ]
- Capture pointcloud data in parallel from UE4 and Real Sensor [ 0 / 10 ]
- For a re-detected object in RS, get the corresponding Pointcloud from UE4 [ 0 / 10 ]
- Find a similarity measure that achieves atleast 70% accuracy on the dataset mentioned above [ 0 / 10 ]
- Decide if a 360deg Laserscanner is useful for our research and if it fits the budget [ 10 / 10 ]
- Teaching is a success
- Have atleast 3 perception subgroup meetings [ 3.33 / 10 ]
- Perception subgroup has enough sensors to test [ 0 / 10 ]
- Perception subgroup has a clear vision what to develop [ 0 / 10 ]
playground.1574695038.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/25 15:17 by pmania