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Data logging with mongodb

There is a tool for loggin data into mongodb for later processing. The data is fetched from selected topics or all topics when running a ROS process. The logging tool is from the package mongodb_log.

Installing mongodb_log

Using a properly set up ros environment, get the patched sources using instructions below;

* Install roslua using the standard procedure from the ROS wiki page * Install the mongodb logger package;

rosws set ros_mongodb_log --git
rosws update
# source bash
rosmake ros_mongodb_log
# install any missing deps
Logging with mongodb_log

Run the logger node

rosrun ros_mongodb_log mongodb_log -a # record all topics or specify required ones
# use the tool mongodb_rdd to check
Querying the log database

The data from the database can be retrieved using any of the mongo clients APIs. For cram, the cl-mongo client is recommended but there are clients for any popular language around like Python, C++ etc. For mython, the pymongo client has already been wrapped in ROS here and we have wrapped the common lisp version as well. It can be installed using;

rosws set ros_cl_mongo --git
rosws update ros_cl_mongo
# source bashrc
software/datalogger.1369998184.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/05/19 09:18 (external edit)

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