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Setting up the docker environment
Start with downloading the EuRoC project archive from StudIP. Extract it in your home folder.
tar -xvf euroc.tar.gz
Create an alias for the dockuro script in your .bashrc
echo "alias dockuro=~/euroc/euroc_launch/docker/dockuro" >> ~/.bashrc && . ~/.bashrc
Initialize your containers with:
dockuro init
NOTE: If you have an nvidia or ATI graphics card, make sure that you create a new Docker image that has exactly the same driver installed as your system.
cp ~/euroc/euroc_launch/docker/euroc-suturo-custom/Dockerfile.template ~/euroc/euroc_launch/docker/euroc-suturo-custom/Dockerfile
Modify the newly created Dockerfile so that it installs your drivers(examples can be found commented in the template). Build your new image:
docker build -t suturo/euroc-suturo-custom .
Set a flag to signal the system the use of a custom docker image
Launch docker:
In docker start the experiment:
teaching/se-kiba15.1434118081.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/05/19 09:18 (external edit)